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Month: August 2020

13 August, 2020

Lung cancer rising among non-smokers in Delhi: Study

Delhi’s polluted air could be leading to nonsmokers being as likely to develop lung cancer as smokers. That’s the scary conclusion of a study by chest surgeons at the Centre for Chest Surgery in Sir Ganga Ram Hospital and Lung Care Foundation.

13 August, 2020

Finding a link between rising lung cancer incidence and air pollution

Studies indicate that long-term effects of air pollution can surely make non-smokers to be as likely to develop lung cancer as smokers. The air pollution situation in North India has worsened beyond severe.

13 August, 2020

Impact of air pollution is like smoking 5-7 cigarettes a day

The harmful impact of air pollution suffered by everyone in the country, including newborns, is equivalent to smoking five to seven cigarettes a day on an average, said Harsh Vardhan Puri, consultant, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.